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North Forsyth celebrates five athletes signing scholarships
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North Forsyth senior Jack DalMolin signed to swim at Arizona State. - photo by Lily McGregor Photography
North Forsyth had two baseball players, two softball players and a swimmer sign athletic scholarships Wednesday in a ceremony. Raiders baseball players Dawson Rickett and Tyler Sheley signed with Toccoa Falls and LaGrange, respectively. Rickett appeared in 15 games for North last season with a double and an RBI. Sheley hit .205 (15-for-73) in 25 games last season with two doubles, a triple, a home run and nine RBIs. appeared in 25 games last season Lady Raiders softball players Morgan Franklin and Sara King signed with Emmanuel College and Morehead State, respectively.
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Scores Presented by Bryan Properties
Photo Gallery: North Forsyth holds fall signing ceremony
North Forsyth seniors, from left, front row, London Weaver, Elizabeth Leeder, Shelby Morgan, Reese Thatcher and Logan Currie, back row, Caleb Lemons, Parker Smaltz, Brady Holbrook and Austin Chavarria participated in a signing ceremony Wednesday at the school's performing arts center. (Photo by Nicholas Sullivan)
Nine North Forsyth seniors inked to compete at the next level.
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Scores Presented by Bryan Properties