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Football: Denmark rides defense to defeat Central in first in-county matchup
Denmark receiver Adonnis Tolbert escapes the reach of a diving Forsyth Central defender after making a catch on Friday, Sept. 7, 2018. - photo by Ben Hendren
When the scoreboard clock struck zero on Friday, Denmark’s football team, a squad that’s already made plenty of history, found a way to make some more during its first-ever in-county matchup.
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Scores Presented by Bryan Properties
Denmark celebrates half-dozen athletes at signing ceremony
Denmark Danes 24
Graphic of Denmark seniors Bradan Bourg, Ethan Bridge, Dylan Brozena, Maya Gipson, Sara Harris and Hannah Lopez signing their national letters of intent Monday inside the school's cafeteria. - photo by Derrick Richemond
Six Denmark athletes took part in a signing ceremony inside the school's cafeteria.
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Scores Presented by Bryan Properties