It has been announced that there will be a town hall meeting for residents of District 5, at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 25 at Mashbum Elementary School. This is being sponsored by Commissioners Jim Boff and Jim Harrell. The topic to be discussed is park, recreation, and green space funds for District 5.
Nearly two years ago, we the voters of Forsyth County approved a $100,000,000 park, recreation and green space bond. District 5 overwhelmingly approved of that bond. Now most of the green space money has been spent and most of the park and recreation portion has been committed to other districts.
Almost 20 percent of the county’s population resides in District 5. There is no county green space or recreation in this heavily populated southern section, but almost none of the $100,000,000 park, recreation and green space funds have been allocated to our district. Still, we are paying taxes for that bond.
This bond money cannot be spent or diverted to any other use or financial need of the county. It cannot be spent to prevent layoffs, hire new personnel, or improve infrastructure.
Even in this economy, the bond that was passed is for, and only for parks, rec. and green space. The residents of District 5 deserve a proportionate share of the funds for which we are now taxed. There are funds still remaining. The idea that has received the most press is the Lanier Golf Course.
Only a small percent of our district residents live on the course or adjacent to it, but it is the largest open green space in the county and it is available now.
Why should this property even be considered?
The green space would be preserved for Forsyth County for now and in the future.
With this economy and budget short fall, opponents to the golf course may have a reason to question the timing of such a purchase, but there is specific bond money still available. It will be spent.
Don’t let funds we can have in our district go elsewhere. Attend this town hall meeting, voice what we want.
Lynn Leach
Nearly two years ago, we the voters of Forsyth County approved a $100,000,000 park, recreation and green space bond. District 5 overwhelmingly approved of that bond. Now most of the green space money has been spent and most of the park and recreation portion has been committed to other districts.
Almost 20 percent of the county’s population resides in District 5. There is no county green space or recreation in this heavily populated southern section, but almost none of the $100,000,000 park, recreation and green space funds have been allocated to our district. Still, we are paying taxes for that bond.
This bond money cannot be spent or diverted to any other use or financial need of the county. It cannot be spent to prevent layoffs, hire new personnel, or improve infrastructure.
Even in this economy, the bond that was passed is for, and only for parks, rec. and green space. The residents of District 5 deserve a proportionate share of the funds for which we are now taxed. There are funds still remaining. The idea that has received the most press is the Lanier Golf Course.
Only a small percent of our district residents live on the course or adjacent to it, but it is the largest open green space in the county and it is available now.
Why should this property even be considered?
The green space would be preserved for Forsyth County for now and in the future.
With this economy and budget short fall, opponents to the golf course may have a reason to question the timing of such a purchase, but there is specific bond money still available. It will be spent.
Don’t let funds we can have in our district go elsewhere. Attend this town hall meeting, voice what we want.
Lynn Leach