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Letter to the editor
County commission puppet show is a disappointment
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Forsyth County News
It is so disappointing to see the games that have cost Forsyth County so much over the years still alive and well under “The Chairman.”

Charles Laughinghouse is a master puppeteer and has his hands firmly on the strings of Harrell, whom he got elected, and his latest edition to the collection, Jim Boff, as shown at the first meeting of 2010.

Jim Harrell would not dare go against King Charles Laughinghouse, as proven by his quick decline of becoming chairman and his equally fast nomination of King Charlie.

Boff, who also knows where his bread is buttered, gave a quick second. These two gentlemen have shown it is still about majority games and not what is best for our county when they locked out commissioners Tam and Bell. Let’s see what this majority can do and if it will be a continuation of spite, negativity and playing up to special interests at the expense of taxpayers.

On a side note, I do wonder if Harrell is running again. The answer? Probably so, although it looks as though Charlie has yet to tell Harrell what he is going to be doing. I think though Charlie will have Jim run again so he can still try and have control over this county. I wonder if the puppeteer and marionettes will still try to deliver a golf course to the citizens for a paltry $9 million of taxpayer money.

We will be watching you Mr. Laughinghouse, and we will keep an eye on your puppets too.
Sara James
