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A Legacy of Charity: Family turns loss of daughter into a lifetime of giving back
Lily Anderson
After Lily Anderson lost her battle with cancer in 2012 at the age of 11, her family began giving back to the community. Last year, Lily’s 5th Annual Night of Glitter and Gifts collected 1,111 toys, games, bikes and other gifts for CHOA, filling several box trucks destined to reach countless children over the holidays. Above are her parents and sister, Audrey, Jennifer and Joey Anderson.
The worst day of Jennifer Anderson’s life came in the winter of 2012, when her daughter, Lily, succumbed to a prolonged battle with cancer at the age of 11. From the moment that her daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2009 to the very end, Anderson said that the youngster never gave up hope, never stopped fighting. But after that unimaginable loss on Dec. 15, 2012, the Anderson family didn’t allow Lily’s fire to die.