With no opposition this fall, two state lawmakers from Forsyth County are looking to the future — both the November election and the next legislative session. District 23 state Rep. Mark Ham-ilton of Cumming and District 24 state Rep. Mike Dud-geon of south Forsyth are scheduled to speak during the Saturday breakfast meeting of the Republican Party of Forsyth County.The officials will focus on the upcoming state charter school amendment that will be on the Nov. 6 ballot, as well as the impact of President Barack Obama’s health care law on Georgia’s budget.“We are talking about education and health care and the two most current issues in both,” Dudgeon said. “Both are critical for the vote in November.”Ethan Underwood, chairman of the local Republican Party, said the meeting will help inform voters about the impact of the upcoming election.“This election is the last chance to stop Obamacare from going into effect in 2014,” he said.
State lawmakers to address GOP
Meeting to cover health care law