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Debate over tethering returns
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Forsyth County News
Changes to Forsyth County’s animal control ordinance could come Thursday if the county commission decides to move forward on what has become an increasingly divisive matter.

At issue is a rule change that would outlaw the tethering, or chaining, of dogs for more than three hours.

Residents on both sides of the proposal said they plan to attend the meeting, which could also address matters such as adequate food, shelter, water and space for animals.

Bill Mulrooney, who supports changing the current ordinance, said it’s “a common sense issue.”

“It’s a question of public safety,” Mulrooney said. “It’s one of those that should be simple, because [dog tethering] is an inhumane practice that’s also a danger to the community. It’s an unhealthy practice for everybody.”

Robert Carroll begs to differ.

“This is about our rights as residents,” Carroll said. “It’s about the government making me spend money on a fence for my dog when he’s perfectly happy.”

Carroll said forcing residents to not tether their dogs “won’t even make a difference.”

“You’re always going to have people who are negligent to their animals,” he said. “No matter what you do to this ordinance, ignorant people will always be ignorant.”

The commission postponed any action on the matter after a public hearing June 1.

Chairman Charles Laughinghouse was the lone vote against the delay.

Thursday’s meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. at the county administration building, 110 E. Main St., Cumming.

The item is not classified as a public hearing, but residents may speak during the meeting’s public comments segment.

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