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Cindy Jones Mills wins re-election to Forsyth commission
District 5 headed to runoff
1WEB Cindy Mills celebrates with family

County Commissioner District 4 (R)
* Cindy Jones Mills (Incumbent) — 60.90 percent, 2,729 votes
* Kelli Warren — 39.10 percent, 1,752 votes

County Commission District 5 (R)
* Chandon Adams — 24 percent, 914 votes
* Justin T. Hawkins — 33.58 percent, 1,241 votes
* Laura Semanson — 43.42 percent, 1,654 votes

Source: Secretary of State elections website

For a full list of Tuesday's General Primary elections results, click here.

NORTH FORSYTH – In the two contested races for seats on the Forsyth County commission, one winner has been declared, while the other will take a little longer.

During Tuesday’s Republican primary, Commissioner Cindy Jones Mills secured the party’s nomination for the District 4 commission seat that she has held since 2013, while District 5 candidates Laura Semanson and Justin Hawkins will meet in a runoff on July 26.

Mills beat out challenger Kelli Warren, an educator, earning a total 2,729 votes, or about 61 percent of the 4,481 total.

Mills said running was harder the second time around.

“It feels wonderful to be finished and to be able to go back to work,” she said. “It was much, much harder to run and to have the responsibilities of being a commissioner, to be divided and to have so many projects and things going on and trying to run a campaign.”

Since no Democrat was on their party’s ballot on Tuesday, it appears Mills will run opposed in November’s general election. She said she is looking forward to continuing work on land use issues for the county.

“I want to look at the [comprehensive] plan. I want the citizens to be engaged,” she said. “I want to really look at what they want. I want to hear and see what their vision is for the community.

“I want to create a vision for north Forsyth that [residents are] happy with, that they want me to zone by.”

Warren could not be reached for comment on Tuesday night.

District 5

Semanson and Hawkins beat out fellow candidate Chandon Adams, who pulled in 914 votes, or 24 percent of the 3,809 total votes in the race. The two will revisit each other in a runoff in July since neither earned the required 50 percent of votes plus one vote to win outright.

Adams could not be reached for comment on Tuesday night.

Semanson received the evening’s most votes with 1,654, about 43 percent of the vote.

“It feels great,” she said. “In a three-man race, I think this is to be expected somewhat, but I feel great about the support that I’ve had today. I’m looking forward to the runoff. I’m looking forward to an opportunity to differentiate myself and really talk a little bit more about what I hope to accomplish.”

Hawkins said he is also looking to use the runoff as an opportunity to reach more voters. He totaled 1,241 votes, about 33 percent.

“I’m very humbled and honored by the support that I have received from my friends, family and neighbors,” he said. “I believe that going into the runoff, we definitely have the momentum on our side and will consolidate a lot of people who stayed out of this election and a lot of people who chose a candidate other than myself.”

The winner of the runoff will take over the seat that Commissioner Jim Boff has held since 2009.

District 2

Election night was less stressful for in District 2, as Rick Swope was the sole candidate to qualify for the commission seat and will represent the Republican Party in November.

“Obviously, you get into this to work toward victory, and whether it’s victory on primary day or earlier than that it’s the same objective,” Swope said. “I’ve had a little bit more time than most to process to absorb it, but certainly we’re pleased to be at this point.”

Commissioner Brian Tam has represented the district since 2005.

It is possible that a candidate could run against Swope as an Independent. To do that, a candidate would need to register in the last week of June and deliver a petition with signatures from 5 percent of voters in the district, which would be about 1,100 votes.

Forsyth County opens local employee “Health and Wellness” medical center
Health and Wellness Center
Forsyth County Commissioners cut the ribbon on the county’s new “Health and Wellness” center on Thursday, Dec. 12. The center will reportedly serve all county employees and their families.
Forsyth County has officially opened its 2,200-square-foot “Health and Wellness” center, which will offer onsite medical services to Forsyth County employees and their families in the coming years.
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