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Light of Hope event to honor CASA volunteers
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Forsyth County News
Forsyth County Court Appointed Special Advocates will again recognize those who go above and beyond for children in need during this year’s Light of Hope event.

CASA recruits volunteers to advocate on behalf of children involved in abuse and neglect cases.

Board member Toni Karasik said 12 awards will be presented to people “in our community who inspire hope to children to become strong, vibrant and successful adults.”

CASA leaders hope the event, set for 7 p.m. April 23 at Mountain Lake Church, will bring together the community in the fight against child abuse and neglect.

“I want the community to come out to see what a great network of caring individuals we have working in Forsyth County,” said Mary Lamond, CASA’s executive director. “These incredible people are doing great work on behalf of our most vulnerable children.

“My hope is that others will be inspired by this event and want to get involved. There are so many opportunities to get involved to these children.”

The event, which is free and open to the public, has been held every April for about 10 years as part of National Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month.

It will also feature a candle light vigil to honor abused children and several speakers, including Nicole McCoy of the Forsyth County Community Con-
nection, Juvenile Court Judge J. Russell Jackson and Charles Laughinghouse, chairman of the county commission.

Shirley Garrett, child advocate and author of “A Tap Water Girl in a Bottled Water World,” will give the keynote address.

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