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Cookie time closing in
Scouts set out to sell sweets
cookie sales 3 jd
From left, Katie Harris, Emma Rae Phillips, Savannah Granito and Ashten Phillips climb the steps as they practice selling Girl Scout cookies. - photo by Jim Dean (previous profile)
It’s that time of year again for the some 180 Girl Scout troops in Forsyth County — cookie time.

Sales of the famous cookies began last week and typically run through March. The last month of sales will shift to booths outside local grocery stores and other high traffic areas.

Kelly Snajkowski, service unit cookie manager for the 36 troops in north Forsyth, said order forms came in early this year so Girl Scouts can take orders over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.

“A lot of parents like to have order forms available when they go to see friends and family,” she said. “Of course, there are always parents’ co-workers and that’s always a good way to go about it.”

Laura Harris is assistant leader for Brownie Troop 10806. While each troop gets some of the proceeds for trips and other events, Harris said selling cookies is more about developing leadership skills and teamwork.

“She’s learning how to approach people and not to be shy,” Harris said of her 6-year-old daughter, Katie. “It builds her self-confidence. It gets her out in the public eye.

“And it also teaches her about money, how to make change, and how to count money.”

Snajkowski said the cookies won’t be delivered until at least the middle of February. Orders are due by Jan. 24, including those placed and what the troops “believe they’re going to sell in booth sales.”

In addition to managing orders, Snajkowski also helps her second- and sixth-grade daughters sell cookies.

“When we make sales, we split it in half,” she said. “And if we sell any at our work, we do the same thing. We make it even. We just try to be fair.”

Having been a Scout for about seven years, 13-year-old Alexandria Skinner is a seasoned veteran when it comes to cookie sales. But there’s more to the organization than just that.

“Lots of people think all you do is sell cookies, but we do a lot of stuff and we learn a lot of stuff,” she said. “... There’s a lot of opportunities in Girl Scouts that we don’t get in other stuff.

“We go do a shore sweep every year where we go clean up the lake. I like going out and doing that. It makes you feel good when you’re doing stuff for the community.”

As part of their learning experience, the Scouts can earn special badges, patches and Try-Its for cookie sale achievements.

Skinner, whose favorite cookies are thin mints, said the bulk of her sales comes from peers and teachers at school, as well as some neighbors.  

The best way to sell cookies, though, is at a booth, she said. The storefront locations are popular and also a chance to “see my friends from the troop.”

“We get to hang out after school for a couple of hours,” she said. “It’s a lot of fun.”