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Guns stolen from firefighters vehicles at 3 west Forsyth stations
Two stations in Alpharetta also hit in apparent break-in spree
fire station burglaries map
Station 3, which is located on Wallace Tatum Road, Station 4, which is on Evens Road at Canton Highway (Hwy. 20), and Station 7, which is on Highway 9, were targeted.

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Guns stolen from vehicles at south Forsyth fire station Monday morning

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WEST FORSYTH – Firefighters at three Forsyth County fire stations had their car windows smashed and personal firearms taken in an apparent string of burglaries Wednesday night.

Around 7:30 a.m. Thursday morning, the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office began receiving calls about the stolen items, according to Cpl. Pete Sabella, a spokesman for the agency.

“So far, a total of six firearms were taken,” Sabella said. “Three separate fire stations were the victims of entering autos and a couple of vehicles were entered at each.”

Station 3, which is located on Wallace Tatum Road, Station 4, which is on Evens Road at Canton Highway (Hwy. 20), and Station 7, which is on Highway 9, were targeted.

Two stations in Alpharetta were also hit, though it was not immediately clear what was taken from those.

This is not the first car break-in spree that has occurred at fire stations in Forsyth.

In early January, five vehicles were broken into and three guns were stolen at Forsyth County Fire Station 10, which is located at 3860 Old Atlanta Road, near Lambert High School.

The vehicles were entered sometime between 1 a.m. and 7 a.m., Fire Division Chief Jason Shivers said at the time.

While deputies did not initially think the station was specifically targeted, less than a week later, firefighters in Gwinnett reported items stolen from their vehicles at several stations.

It has not yet been determined whether there was any connection between the break-ins, and Sabella said it was not immediately known whether the sheriff’s office had arrested anyone in connection with the Station 10 break-in.

Fourth suspect arrested in north Forsyth armed robbery
Forsyth County Sheriff's Office
A fourth individual has been arrested by the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office in connection with a residential armed robbery that took place in early December.
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