Car horns blasted Thursday night as traffic moved through the downtown Cumming square.“Honk if you’re against Obamacare,” yelled Bob Frey as the steady flow of vehicles continued through the town.The Forsyth County Tea Party Patriots Alliance organized the rally in response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, announced earlier in the day, which largely upholds the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that took effect in 2010.Tea party members and supporters held up signs in protest of the decision, as well as American and “Don’t Tread on Me” flags.Trilby Leech, founder of the patriots alliance, called for action by voting on Nov. 6 for those who will repeal the act “to stop this nonsense.”Leech spoke to the controversial mandate that individuals must carry health care insurance or pay.“Where they shafted us is they put it in the tax [clause], that the government can assign taxes,” she said. “That is totally unfair. It is unfair to not only us, but to our children, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Court decision triggers protest
Outrage voiced during rush hour