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Meeting set on large mixed use development
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Forsyth County News

Also during a work session Tuesday, Forsyth County commissioners scheduled a special called meeting for 8 a.m. Oct. 7 to consider a proposed amended development agreement with Taubman Centers Inc.


The company reached a deal with the county in 2008 for a regional mall, office space, hotels and residential units on 164 acres between Union Hill and McFarland roads.


Taubman has requested an extension and a sewer agreement.



• Offered no objection to the city of Cumming’s annexation of 17 parcels in two locations: the Ventura Park on Pilgrim Mill Road and adjacent to the Northside Hospital-Forsyth.



• Authorized the engineering department to proceed with right-of-way acquisition for the fourth phase of the Big Creek Greenway multi-use trail.


This phase will extend the path to the crossing of Johnson and Kelly Mill roads.


They delayed a decision on the fifth phase in order to review the path to Sawnee Mountain.



• Postponed discussion of widening Castleberry Road to Dec. 13. The project is listed on the Nov. 8 referendum to extend the 1-cent sales tax. Commissioners Jim Boff and Todd Levent opposed the delay.



• Approved a restrictive covenant for Bridgepoint Community Networks, which recently received a conditional use permit to operate a community center in the Crystal Cove Shores subdivision.


The covenant, which still needs signatures from Bridgepoint, would prohibit the property to be associated with solicitation on behalf of any religion or marketing to out-of-neighborhood residents.


Commissioner Pete Amos recused himself from the 4-0 vote, since he owns property in the subdivision.



• Discussed changes to the county’s health care benefit eligibility for elected officials after leaving office.


Currently, members who serve a full term can remain on the county’s plan for one year at employee rates after leaving office, unless able to receive Medicare or a group plan through another company.


Commissioners voted 4-1, with Boff opposing, to offer a year of additional eligibility at employee rates for each year in office.


Afterward, officials would be able to stay on the plan at retiree rates until eligible for Medicare or other plans.



• Awarded two bids to Strickland & Sons Pipeline for intersection projects funded by 1-cent sales tax revenue.


The company will improve the Post-Drew Road crossing for about $360,000.


Work at Old Atlanta Road and Spring Drive will cost about $262,000.



• Agreed to buy a used belt press for the water and sewer department to use at a wastewater treatment plant.


The item cost about $97,000, compared to more than $195,000 for a new one.



• Amended its contract with ESG Operations to include the James Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant. The company currently operates other plants for the county.



• Granted a change order of $8,450 for Mauldin & Jenkins to complete the 2010 audit.




Note: All votes were 5-0 unless otherwise noted.
