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Economy big on small businesses
Speaker forsees them leading way
Max Burns, dean of the Mike Cottrell School of Business at North Georgia College & State University, was the keynote speaker at the Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce's Small Business Awards Luncheon. - photo by Jim Dean (previous profile)
The keynote speaker at the local chamber of commerce's Small Business Awards Luncheon offered a candid assessment of the economy."The economy is good, bad and ugly right now and we all know it," said Max Burns, dean of the Mike Cottrell School of Business at North Georgia College & State University.Oil and the housing market are two factors with major bearing on the current situation, he said, adding that unrest in the Middle East likely will drive the cost of oil higher.Burns was a late addition to the Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce event, which drew more than 100 people Thursday to Polo Golf & Country Club. He replaced Mary Ellen McClanahan of the Georgia Department of Economic Development, who was unable to attend due to a last-minute health concern. Burns noted oil hit the $101 per barrel mark late last week.