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Meet the Forsyth County couple training playful pups to become powerful guide dogs
08292024GUIDE PUPS
Jeff and Paula Herr sit with Cache, the little pup they will be training over the next year. - photo by Sabrina Kerns
Jeff and Paula Herr recently welcomed a four-month-old labrador retriever named Cache into their home — but they don’t plan on keeping him.
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Furkids cat shelter celebrates purr-fect first year, plans for growth
Volunteers with cats at the Furkids Fort and Michele Felker Cat Shelter. Photos courtesy of Furkids Fort and Michele Felker Cat Shelter
Furkids Animal Rescue and Shelters celebrated the one-year anniversary of their new cat shelter, Furkids Fort and Michele Felker Cat Shelter that they said has redefined the local approach to cat welfare.
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